Elevation Certificates
The City of Ketchum maintains official records, Elevation Certificates, that show that new buildings and substantial improvements in all identified Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) are properly elevated. This elevation information is necessary to show compliance with the floodplain management ordinance. Ketchum uses the Elevation Certificate developed by FEMA, which can be used by the property owner to obtain flood insurance.
The City of Ketchum maintains elevation certificates for new and substantially improved structures in the SFHA since November 20, 1978. However, elevation certificates may not be available for buildings that were built prior to the certificate requirement (for example, if a building was not mapped to be located within the Special Flood Hazard Area at the time the property was developed.)
Listed below are Finished Construction Elevation Certificates obtained since 2006. Please contact the Planning and Building Department at 208.726.7801 to inquire about Elevation Certificates completed prior to 2006.