Historic Preservation Commission

Welcome! To find out more about Ketchum's Historic Preservation Commission, meetings, registered historic buildings, and historic building ownership, please click on the links in the left sidebar.
"Historic preservation is vital to the posterity of our town. Preservation pays homage to our past, celebrates the journey we have taken to the present, and reminds us of our responsibility to be good stewards of our town for the future.
Preserving the soul of Ketchum starts by recognizing the past. This we do through events such as Wagon Days or Trailing of the Sheep and by preserving legacy buildings from years gone by. It is also important to recognize that change will happen. It is our responsibility to manage that change in a way that reflects the values of our community.
If we can find the right balance between growth and preservation, it will help keep us grounded in our roots and will make for a healthier and happier community."
-Mayor Neil Bradshaw