Ordinance No. 1150
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Zoning Regulations by adding to Chapter 17.08, Definitions, School Residential Campus Definition; by amending Chapter 17.12, Establishment of Districts and Zoning Matrices, Section 17.12.010, Zoning Map Districts, Subsection B. Boundaries, amending the official Zoning District Map changing the Zoning District from Light Industrial 2 District (LI-2) to Light Industrial 3 District (LI-3) on Lot 21A, Resubdivision of Northwood PUD Lot 4 Subdivision through a development agreement; by amending Chapter 17.12, Establishment of Districts and Zoning Matrices, Section 17.12.202 District Use Matrix, Subsection A, District Use Matrix adding School Residential Campus to the Matrix section entitled "Public and Institutional"; by amending Chapter 17.124, Development Standards, Section 17.124.090, Residential, Light Industrial Districts new Subsection C. Minimum Criteria for a school residential campus