Ordinance No. 1033

ID Number: 
Adopted Date: 
Monday, January 7, 2008
File Attachments: 


An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Title 17, Community Core (CC) Chapter 17.64, and Tourist (T) Zone, Chapter 17.52, by moving a section regarding hotel locations from Chapter 17.64.010.I Transfer of Development Rights to Chapter 17.64.010.H, Hotel Uses; by adding criteria for five-story hotels consistent with the applicable massing study; by adding a requirement for a planned unit development application with limited waivers to height and bulk; by adding a provision for employee generated impact analysis and mitigation; by clarifying how employee generation will be measured; by requiring hotels to provide employee housing to mitigate their employee generation demand based on the analysis; and by adding a section that exempts that percentage of residential development associated with a hotel project which meets the definition of a "hotel" from inclusionary housing requirements for a certain period of time